Apply for Duplicate CNIC (National Identity Card)

Apply for Duplicate CNIC (National Identity Card)

If CNIC (National Identity Card) is lost/ damaged, get its Duplicate (Reprint) from NADRA. Please see the procedure and other details below. NADRA Office Timings: Centers Days Timings Mega Registration Centers 7 Days a week 24 Hours Normal Branches Monday to Friday 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM Centers / Branches: For your nearest NADRA Center…

Online Vehicle Verification System in Pakistan

Online Vehicle Verification System in Pakistan

Excise Departments in provinces have introduced facility of Vehicle Verification. Find the following details of a vehicle. Vehicle Verification Details: Sindh Open the link and enter Vehicle Registration No. (No.Plate): Punjab Open the link and enter Vehicle Registration No. (No.Plate): KPK Open the link and enter Vehicle Registration No. (No.Plate): Balochistan No online verification system…

New NICOP (National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis)

New NICOP (National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis)

NICOP (National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis) is issued to Overseas Pakistanis only. Please see the procedure and other details below. NOTE : For only Pakistani Emigrant Workers, who are working abroad, the Govt. of Pakistan has abolished requirement of having NICOP NADRA Office Timings: Centers Days Timings Mega Registration Centers 7 Days a week…